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About North Alabama Biblical Counseling

Finding Inspiration through Faith at Every Turn

We are a local Huntsville, Alabama non-profit ministry organization that seeks to honor Christ by connecting others to the Savior through effective Biblical Counseling. We believe that the word of God is sufficient for all things in life. We are committed to a high view of God; the efficacy of the Gospel of Jesus; the Authority and sufficiency of His Word, and the belief that God has granted us everything we need for life and godliness. We believe that the Word of God is living, active, and powerful in bringing about transformation in our lives, for our good and His glory.

Image by Aaron Burden

Our Mission

Train individuals to be proficient Biblical Counselors. Provide counsel that connects the sufferer to the Savior through truth and compassion. Culitvate Biblical Counseling into the culture of the church both locally and abroad.

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Statement of Faith

Meet Our Counselors

Our Counselors

Ready To Start Your Journey?

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